Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Join Rick Mills and his special guests to learn about what's happening at Dartmouth and to ask questions. Meeting is noon-1pm in Spaulding Auditorium and is free and open to all!
Paganucci Lounge, Class of 1953 Commons, 11:30am-1:30pm
Interested in making an impact on a pressing social issue? Come learn about the many ways you can get involved in the Upper Valley and beyond as a student, volunteer, or intern.
Class of 1953 Commons 104 Paganucci Lounge, 3:00pm-4:00pm
Need a Job? Several campus employers will be present to personally talk with you about their part-time jobs on-campus & in the Upper Valley. Open to all Dartmouth students!
Wondering what is happening inside the fence on the Green? Come join Interim VP for Campus Services Josh Keniston, and Director of Sustainability Rosi Kerr on the Green!